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D-Day Anniversary VLOG! Painting 15mm WW2 British Armour | Part 2

8 months ago 2

John and Gerry dive into the second part of their Villers-Bocage Flames Of War VLOG which is celebrating the 80th Anniversary Of D-Day. In this video, they discuss painting the 15mm British tanks from Battlefront Miniatures that will be used in the skirmish.

Dystopian Wars – Building & Painting The Titanic Sisters | Part 4


In this final part of Painting The Titanic Sisters, John finishes off the historical trio with the last of the sisters, the Britannic. Designed as a hospital ship during World War I, she now gets a new chance to return to the tabletop in Dystopian Wars with the miniatures from the Fortune And Glory Starter Set for Dystopian Wars.

Strv 103 S-Tank Painting Tutorial | World War 3: Nordic Forces – Battlefront Miniatures


John gets stuck into a painting tutorial showing off how to paint the 15mm scale Strv 103 S-Tank from World War 3: Nordic Forces, the upcoming expansion to the Team Yankee range from Battlefront Miniatures. Check out some hints and tips for painting up these awesome Cold War-era tanks.

Gerry Can Show You How To Paint Laser Blasts On Your Miniatures!


Gerry dives into another tutorial where he shows off how to paint effective Laser Blasts and Burns on your miniatures and bases. This is going to be handy for a lot of Sci-Fi wargames like Star Wars: Shatterpoint and beyond. 

Sherman Easy Eight WW2 Tank Painting Tutorial | Bolt Action


John takes a look at one of the recent 28mm plastic Sherman Easy Eight Tanks from Warlord Games for Bolt Action and gives it a lick of paint and a layer of weathering for good measure. If you've wanted to paint World War 2 vehicles then this is going to be a handy how-to for those wanting to know what to do!

Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought Painting Tutorial | Warhammer 40,000

2 years ago 2

John takes some inspiration from Trovarion Miniatures and shows you how to paint a Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought from Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000.

Conquest Painting Tutorial – City States Haspist Minotaur | Para Bellum Wargames


As part of our ongoing Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings VLOG series, John has painted up a Minotaur from the City States in the scheme that we're going for. This is a great how-to-paint tutorial for those wanting to make an alternative scheme for their armies.

Sci-Fi 28mm Saracen APC (Alternative 40K Vehicle) Painting Tutorial | GGWargame


In this tutorial, John paints up an alternative Chimera miniature from GGWargame for use with your Astra Militarum armies of Warhammer 40,000. This would be great for use with your Cadian armies and the paint scheme could be replicated on other Sci-Fi vehicles. 

Sons Of Horus Space Marine Painting Tutorial – Warhammer: The Horus Heresy

2 years ago 3

In this painting tutorial, John shows how to paint one of the Sons Of Horus MKIV Space Marines from the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy by Games Workshop.

15mm Jagdtiger Painting Tutorial | Flames Of War

3 years ago 6

John shows you how to paint one of the 15mm Jagdtiger miniatures from Battlefront Miniatures for use with their World War II Historical wargame, Flames Of War.

TOG2 Heavy Tank Painting Tutorial | Flames Of War


Join John as he shows off how to paint a big long Heavy Tank, the TOG2. Follow along with a painting tutorial for this 15mm Flames Of War miniature.

Challenger Tank Miniature Painting Tutorial | Team Yankee

3 years ago 8

Today we walk you through a miniature painting tutorial for the 15mm Challenger 1 tank for Battlefront Miniatures' Team Yankee.

M18 Hellcat Miniature Painting Tutorial | Bolt Action

3 years ago 10

John returns to his natural habitat and paints up a fantastic M18 Hellcat wargaming miniature from Warlord Games' Bolt Action.

Grimdark Black Templar Painting Tutorial | Warhammer 40,000

3 years ago 5

John shows you how to paint a grimdark Black Templar for Games Workshop's 28mm Sci-Fi wargame, Warhammer 40,000.

BTR-60 Miniature Painting Tutorial | Northag


In today's miniature painting tutorial we are taking a look at the BTR-60 for the Soviet faction in 20mm Battlegroup Northag.

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Eight]


It's finally here! The Warhammer 40K Hobby weekend has arrived! The terrain from Archon has never looked sweeter!

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Seven]


Woohoo, it's the day before the event and it's all guns blazing here at OnTableTop. There has been a flurry of activity over the past few days...but we're nearly there!

Massive 40K Apocalypse Gaming Table Build [Part Six]


In just under a week the 40k Weekend will strike and we couldn't be more excited and also nervous to get things underway.

3 Colours Up: Painting A Tiger 1 – Part Two // Weathering


Today I'm back to finish off the wonderful Tiger 1 from Flames of War!

3 Colours Up: Painting A Greek Shield


Learn how to paint shields worthy of the Spartans of old!

Hobby VLOG: Painting 40k & Star Wars Themed Terrain – Part Four


Hobby VLOG: Updating Our T’au Army – Part 5


Hobby VLOG: Updating Our T’au Army – Part 3


3 Colours Up – Painting A Viking Shield


This week Romain's painting a Viking sheild which has taken a few hits in it's day.

Age Of Tyrants Painting Tutorial – VASA Red Hammer


Awaken Realms is one of the biggest miniature painting studios worldwide with over a dozen talented painters on board so it gives us great pleasure to introduce their YouTube video tutorial of our VASA Red Hammer tank for Age of Tyrants.

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Boba Fett


Sorastro's Painting is back painting up some more of Star Wars: Imperial Assault this time focusing on the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett who is arguably one of the coolest characters in the films...

Hobby Lab: Creating Shell Strikes on Tanks


John and Justin invade the Hobby Lab set to bring you guys a cool tutorial about modeling shell strikes on... you've guessed it, tanks.

Hobby Lab: Creating Cool Battlefield Craters


In this episode of Hobby Lab we create some really cool craters using the fields we made in an earlier episode called "Dual Scale Threshed & Ploughed Fields".

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Grey Hunters!

10 years ago 0

In another painting tutorial on the Space Wolf Grey Hunters Duncan Rhodes takes you through the techniques in another spiffing 'how to' from Games Workshop...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Thunderwolves!


Duncan Rhodes has been chained to the painting desk once more to bring you a tutorial on painting Thunderwolves for your Space Wolf army in Warhammer 40,000...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Sector Imperialis Boards


Games Workshop have broken out Duncan Rhodes once again to show you how to paint up those huge Sector Imperialis Realm of Battle Boards that just hit their webstore.

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Battle Damage & Weathering


Smash and bash up your vehicles in the fires of combat an environments of death worlds as you see this new Painting Tutorial from Games Workshop...

Mantic Hobby Tips: Painting Deadzone Terrain!


Dave gets his brush and water out and gives you a run down of the tips and tricks you'll need to know when painting your Deadzone Terrain. See what you think of the finished products within...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Nihilakh Oxide


Want to try and get a verdigris effect on your tanks and armour? See what you think of the Nihilakh Oxide Technical paint from Games Workshop!

Painting Battle Damage on Rhino Armour Plates


Romain moves on with the finishing touches as he paints some extra Battle Damage & Bullet Holes to distress his Rhino hatch.

Painting Corroded Rhino Armour


Romain shows you how to weather the armour of a Space Marine Rhino using a door hatch.

Painting an Ork Meganob: Remastered… part 4


John's nob is now flush with colour!

40K Ork Stompa Painting Tutorial – Part 3


In the final part John starts with mixing up a little cocktail that creates a nice oil look on the hydraulic rams etc.

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