CoolMiniOrNot Talk More About Upcoming Massive Darkness

May 16, 2016 by brennon

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CoolMiniOrNot got in touch to tell us a bit more about their upcoming dungeon crawling game called Massive Darkness which will be coming later this year. We got a great look at some of the neat heroes and the monsters you'll be facing off against...

Massive Darkness

The game focuses on their being no Overlord or DM player so everything is focused on you working together to battle against those creatures in the darkness below. First up lets see what the heroes look like...

Heroes Of Massive Darkness

Let's kick off with the mainstay of all dungeon crawlers, the Barbarian named Bjord.


This chap is a mighty warrior who is truly harnessing the power of Conan with that hairstyle. I love the look of him and the might axe which I reckon must have been taken from a much larger creature. Following on from him we have the Wizard, Elias.


He has a nice typical Wizard look to him with the pointy hat and big beard. I like that these heroes have rather ripped and tattered outfits actually as it gives you the feeling that they've been down delving in the dark for a while. Next up we're back to fighting up close with the Dwarf.


Big hammer? Check. Big shield? Check. Big hair and beard? Also check. This chap has all the hallmarks of an awesome warrior and Siegfriend here will be the counterpoint to the Barbarian with his more defensive play I reckon.

Next we're onto the lady known as Sibyl who plays the role of the Ranger and the Rogue. She comes with a big long bow and a sword sword too - the flowing hair makes her seem even taller than she probably is too.


She's a neat model and the use of the dress and armour to show off leaf patterns is great. It echoes a lot of the designs I liked about the Mirkwood Elves in The Hobbit.

Last but not least we have another battling up-front warrior in Owen. He comes with two swords which are rather hefty looking indeed!


I really like the character design of the heroes here with maybe the exception of Sibyl who would have been a lot cooler actually shooting her bow I reckon. The others are fantastic though.

The Dungeon & Game Mechanics

Of course with heroes you need a dungeon to explore and the game will come packed with tiles which will spawn enemies each time you reveal a new one.

Game Tiles

The tiles you see above show off one of the interesting new mechanics for Massive Darkness. The Shadow Areas allow you to hide from your enemies and ambush them if you're clever enough. Straight up fights won't work out well for you in this game so you'll have to plan ahead.

Wandering monsters are also a cause for concern in this game so don't spend too long dawdling and looking for treasure!

In terms of the mechanics of the game all attacks are resolved with a pool of dice that you will accumulate featuring a range of different symbols.

Combat & Dice

Attack is compared against Defence, noted by swords and shields while there might also be special effects and advantages from rolling particular icons. As you can see above the Goblin Archer has a special rule which spawns Goblins on the explosion icon.

Class Cards

Heroes will grow and expand their repertoire of skills and items as they progress through the campaign and you will lead them down branching arcs to unlock the skills that you feel fit well with your character.

Your Foes

CoolMiniOrNot has also let us show off some of the enemies you'll be facing down in the dungeons of Massive Darkness. With that in mind here are the bosses from some of the monster groups...

Dwarf Defender Boss

The Dwarf Defender leads the way with an evil look on his face and a cruel hammer to boot. The Goblins aren't to be outdone however with their boss...

Goblin Archer Boss

This is one of their Archer Bosses who seems like he might have a few tricks up his sleeve. While the rest are using bows he might be able to call on some spells. I love the big pointy hats!

Orc Enforcer Boss

Finally we have a big brute with the Orc Enforcer Boss swinging a club around like a maniac! Once again we get some point hats which seems to be a staple of these enemies and a rather fantastic sculpt. I think he'll be smashing you apart quite easily with that thing.

So there you have it; a better look at Massive Darkness. Look out for it on Kickstarter soon and shelves quickly after!

What do you think?

"The Shadow Areas allow you to hide from your enemies and ambush them if you're clever enough. Straight up fights won't work out well for you in this game so you'll have to plan ahead..."

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