Funforge To Relaunch Monumental Board Game October 23rd

October 3, 2018 by brennon

Supported by (Turn Off)

Funforge has been showing off their board game Monumental once again at shows this year and will be relaunching a Kickstarter campaign for the game on October 23rd 2018.

Monumental Cover - Fun Forge

Monumental has you playing as warriors from a variety of different Ancient pantheons, battling it out for control of the world. They have included characters from Greek, Egyptian, Chinese and Norse mythology in the game so far and if their previous Kickstarter is anything to go by you'll be able to add in Aztecs, Atlanteans and more too.

Monumental Gameplay - Fun Forge

The game plays with between two and four players and sees you taking control of your hero, large armies and more in a game of dominance and strategy. The game has a lot in common with typical 4X style games however where you can even build up large monuments, advance your research into new techniques and marvels and much more.

You can check out more about the game through Funforge's array of videos...

Monumental also comes with some rather splendid looking miniatures...

Viking Hero - Monumental

...and Angel Giraldez has also come on board to paint up some of the miniatures that will be previewed as part of the Kickstarter campaign. Here is his take on Miyamoto Musashi.

Miyamoto Musashi - Monumental

A rather cool looking miniature I think you'll agree. Whilst I think we're slowly moving towards the time where people start to drop these mounds of plastic from their games it is nice when you see a range of models which look like they work well within the aesthetic of the game.


I think the game might have worked just as well with some nice weighty chips or tokens as the game appears to lend itself very much to that style but people do love their plastic.

Will you be keeping an eye on this campaign?

"...Angel Giraldez has also come on board to paint up some of the miniatures"

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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