A Plucky Survivor & Writhing Spoiler Beast For Zombicide: Invader

March 27, 2018 by brennon

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CMON and Guillotine Games previewed another of the characters coming to the world of Zombicide: Invader on Kickstarter next month. This time we're meeting another of the unarmoured survivors with Vivian.

Vivian - Zombicide Invader

Armed with a flamethrower you'd be forgiven for thinking that she has a little of the Ripley about her, which is no bad thing at all. She seems like quite the roguish character from her description, doing 'whatever it takes to survive'.

Spoiler Warning

You would have to maybe throw caution to the wind when it comes to facing off against this beast. Here we have the Spoiler Abomination who hunts down people who spoil episodes of Game of Thrones.

Spoiler Abomination - Zombicide Invader

This beast is a wrecking machine and will smash apart everything in its way. It also leaves a slick trail of corrosive liquid behind it meaning that following and tracking the beast is probably not advised!

Are you keeping a close look at what's coming out for Zombicide: Invader?

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"Here we have the Spoiler Abomination who hunts down people who spoil episodes of Game of Thrones..."

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