Learn Chess Like A Prodigy In The Queen’s Gambit Board Game

September 7, 2021 by fcostin

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Everybody who has played a game on the tabletop has given chess a go at some point. The game of strategy and wit is no easy feat - especially when your opponent is a wise owl.

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The Queen's Gambit: The Board Game // Mixlore & Popcorn Games

The hit Netflix mini-series The Queen's Gambit took viewers to the point of addiction, where viewers peered into the life of Beth Harmon, an orphaned chess prodigy with hopes to become the best chess player, that the world has ever seen.

This Netflix show has inspired creators of tabletop games to get creative. As Mixlore and Popcorn Games have now created a brand new board game title, which surprisingly is not a game of chess - it teaches players tactics and strategy to hope in following in on the footsteps of Beth Harmon.

A board game about how to play a board game you say? How does that work? Although players will pull out a traditional chessboard from The Queen's Gambit: The Board Game box, they will not be playing the same style of chess that we all know and love. This style of chess will open up to 2-4 players and is driven solely by a deck of cards which will ensure players have their strategy in place.

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Game Blurb // The Queen's Gambit: The Board Game

Players will need to slip on the shoes of a Chess mastermind, as they fuel and conjure the wit and skill of Beth Harmon. Promoted by the cards, players will take a series of turns to visualise the next three turns to stay ahead of the other players around, but be warned - they will be doing the same.

Players will begin to capture the tiles on the board and whatever player has taken in the most amount of tiles will be crowned the ultimate chess player - who can fully take on Beth Harmon herself.

The Queen's Gambit: The Board Game is now available to pre-order online, but if you are after this particular title, be sure to check in with your FLGS to see whether the Netflix inspired game will be headed in your direction.

There is no release date as of yet, but considering when The Queen's Gambit was first released back in October 2020, chess sets were practically impossible to get hold of due to the inspiration. Given the popularity of the show and the intrigue in the game, I would guess that we would be seeing this title before the year of 2021 closes.

Who knows, we might get a spinoff series from Netflix about other board games! About a Greek guy named Yannis, and his journey into stardom through Backgammon. 

"Players will need to slip on the shoes of a Chess mastermind, as they fuel and conjure the wit and skill of Beth Harmon..."

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