Send a Clacks to Pre-Order the New Discworld Board Game

May 13, 2015 by dracs

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Clacks, the new Discworld board game from Backspindle Games, has gone up for pre-order, providing you with the chance to climb the tower and become a legendary clacks operator.


Based around Terry Pratchett's book Going Postal and the exploits of the newly-dragooned Post Master General Moist von Lipwig, Clacks has players either go head to head to see who will be the fastest clacks operator, or  team up to win the clacks race and prove the potential of Discworld's new technology.

The game seems to be getting plenty of positive feedback from test players and while it has not been released yet the game has been appearing at plenty of cons, where all manner of people are turning out to be secret Discworld fans.

Clacks Play Test

Moist von Lipwig Rides Again

As part of the pre-order, Backspindle Games are also giving away one of Micro Art Studio's awesome Moist von Lipwig miniatures with the first 300 orders.


Sculpted as he appeared on the cover of Going Postal in the tatters of his iconic golden suit, Moist von Lipwig is a fantastic character in his own right, a charming rogue and con-man who gets saved from hanging only to be put in charge of the city's ailing postal service.

Moist von Lipwig

Personally, I would love to give this game a go. Guards! Guards! was a fun and chaotic game, which did capture a lot of the frantic energy of  life in Ankh-Morpork. Clacks looks to be a lot more simple, but with plenty of different options and ways to play.

Do you plan to place a pre-order with Backspindle?

"Clacks looks to be a lot more simple, but with plenty of different options and ways to play."

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