Survive: Escape From Atlantis! New Edition For 30th Anniversary

December 3, 2021 by fcostin

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A game of my childhood is getting a new edition, right in time for Christmas to competitively crush my sister’s hopes and dreams.

Stronghold Games are set to release Survive: Escape from Atlantis! 30th Anniversary, taking a modernised approach since 2011 with some minor twists and tweaks to gameplay.

Survive: Escape from Atlantis! // Stronghold Games

Players are taking a new journey at sea. No, we will not be saving cats or arranging fruit, we will be making a real difference in saving people by getting them off a terrifying and dangerous volcanic island onto safety on the surrounding land.

Players will work on an island that is made up of 40 different hex tiles that are making their descent into the ocean. Now it is time for you to play God and save the beings below from peril… and well… death.

Survive - Image Two

Gameplay Example // Survive! Escape from Atlantis

Sadly the ocean is not much better. Not only do players need to keep an eye on the explosive volcano about to level an island, but they must also be aware that there are terrors lurking underwater as well. Players can travel by boat or swim but must be aware that the likes of whales, sharks and pesky sea serpents do not want to see the villagers to safety.

The game will end when the main island has gone “Kaboom”, and the player with the most amount of points will be the winner. Meaning the winner who managed to save the most people gets to reap the reward!

The game will be on sale at your FLGS and online from December the 15th. I will be pre-ordering and menacingly wrapping it up for my sister under the tree so I can relive my joyous festive memories of crushing my sister at a board game title, whilst escaping a crippling island.

"The winner who managed to save the most people gets to reap the reward!"

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