The Nova Open Team Bring A 11ft Long Star Destroyer To Life For X-Wing

June 8, 2015 by brennon

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We've all dreamed of Fantasy Flight Games actually bringing out a massive Star Destroyer for our games of X-Wing but we know it will never happen. The Nova Open Tabletop Wargaming team however have taken it upon themselves to make this spectacle a reality with an 11ft Star Destroyer just waiting to be played on and around...

Star Destroyer (Full)

As you can see it is quite the impressive project and while it might have all the bells and whistles (well, most of them) above it started out as some rather humble materials as you can see below.

11ft Star Destroyer #1

11ft Star Destroyer #2

It all looks incredible and I can imagine when this finally rolls out at the event later on this year in September (details can be found on the link above) people are going to be overjoyed to be playing around this. Check out some of the battle damage detail work they've done already.

Star Destroyer (Battle Damage)

If you want to know how they transport something like this then you'll be pleased to know they provided a break down guide too.

Star Destroyer (Break Down)

It is certainly very impressive and a next step in terms of the kind of hobby we get up to. Since this year is going to be so Star Wars heavy it's no surprise that people are going mad with projects like this.

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"Since this year is going to be so Star Wars heavy it's no surprise that people are going mad with projects like this..."

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