Titan-Forge Hope You’ll Help Fund Drakskull’s Menace

July 19, 2012 by brennon

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Titan-Forge said they were going to do it. The greenskins are rising from their graves and are threatening to take over the fantasy world! Check out information about their IndieGoGo Campaign above and some of their models below!

Dead Boyz

Zombie Trolls


Drakskull's Menace will be a campaign to bring the dead greenskins of their fantasy world to life. Above is just a selection of the models they are working towards, and of course the already well liked Zomblins. As is typical with most IndieGoGo campaigns, as the money rolls in they will be able to do a lot more.

Orc Ghosts

Zomblins T-Shirt

Warlord on Throne of Death

Wouldn't mind getting my hand on one of those T-Shirts!

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