Community Spotlight: Mighty Heroes, Spoilerific Dungeon Delvers & A Dark Warrior

January 5, 2020 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

Community Spotlight: Mighty Heroes, Spoilerific Dungeon Delvers & A Dark Warrior

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Godtear Warbands by lawnor

We're kicking things off for 2020 with a look at some work by the awesome lawnor who has been tinkering around with all the goodies that they got from the Godtear Kickstarter. I've picked out just a couple of the faction champions and followers to take a look at here...

Godtear #1 by lawnor

The larger than life models that you get from this game are perfect for painting up and they allow you to go wild with the colour schemes and techniques. It's really nice to see these models with a lick of paint on them as I couldn't really work out how detailed they were from some of the images showing them off 'out of the box'. One cool thing here is that you can also see some of the ways that lawnor has tied the heroes in with their particular factions with the use of colour.

Godtear #2 by lawnor

It's nice to see the undead done in a different way and I really like that lawnor has gone for this off-white look to these wasted warriors who are serving at their master's side. Whilst the scheme is a little darker here I think it works well for what you're getting with these undead fellows.

Going from dark to light they also have Rangosh here. I really like the painting here from lawnor across his muscles and fur and I think that he has managed to pick out the toning of it all very well indeed. Match this with the effort that has gone into the face and you've got a superb miniature.

Godtear #3 by lawnor

Additionally, the splash of red on his cloak here then ties him to the Red Bandits who follow him into the fighting.

Godtear #4 by lawnor

lawnor is a pretty prolific painter so it's awesome to see these sets coming together as nicely as they are. With so many models to paint it is probably good that there was no assembly needed with these particular pieces! It is well worth going to check out more of lawnor's work over on the project link above.

[SPOILERS] Gloomhaven Heroes by yorick

Next up we're entering SPOILER territory. I just had to show these off because I think the painting is brilliant but if you've not played Gloomhaven yet and found all the heroes, do not scroll down deeper and get someone to skip to the next entry! Here is his work on some of the older models we've looked at before as a buffer...

Gloomhaven Heroes #3 by yorick

I really liked what yorick had done with the previous batch of models and the core heroes that you get in the game. So, when I saw that he had also worked on some of the unlockable heroes as well I had to see what else had been going on behind the scenes. This model in particular really caught my eye, the Sunkeeper.

Gloomhaven Heroes #1 by yorick

I have to take my hat off to yorick because they have managed to get much more detail out of these models than I did when I painted them! I just couldn't work too well with the lack of detail and my brush skills weren't up to 'adding' more of it like we're seeing here. I, therefore, salute yorick for his work and tip my hat!

The skill continues with the work done on another one of the characters too, the Plagueherald.

Gloomhaven Heroes #2 by yorick

This here is the Plagueherald and is a collection of bugs and other insects that come together as one character. I painted mine up looking like a little bit of a Cthulhu beast but I think the scheme here is great and really works on bringing the artwork for the hero to life. I also like the work that has gone into the bases here, offering up a more textured look which could work across the myriad of different dungeon tiles that the game offers.

Sith Warrior by lioneldesa

Finally, we've got some work by lioneldesa who has painted up this fantastic 75mm model which has been modified from a Broken Toad sculpt. This fellow oozes darkness and evil.

Sith #1 by lioneldesa

The painting here is great considering that it is basically all black and metallics. The tones of grey and such used to bring out the elements of his robes really hit home and I absolutely love the glow effect that is coming off of the double-ended lightsaber. I am reminded of one of the characters from the Knights Of The Old Republic games.

Sith #2 by lioneldesa

Since many of us are still in such a Star Wars mood it seemed apt to include another one of these painting projects in the mix. Hopefully, we'll see more models like this popping up as we delve deeper into Star Wars: Legion and go beyond the options from the main film trilogy.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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