Mythic Games Introduce Next Big Project, Reichbusters: Projekt Vril!

August 1, 2018 by brennon

It looks like many of us were right when we thought that the next big Mythic Games property was going to be one focused on the Weird World War. Their newest project, Reichbusters: Projekt Vril, was announced this week just ahead of Gen Con.

Reich Busters Allies - Mythic Games

Here is what Mythic Games had to say about Reichbusters ahead of us hoping to unlock more information from them at Gen Con...

“Reichbusters: Projekt Vril is a co-operative game set at the end of an alternate WWII. Miraculous Vril energies power the latest Nazi wonder weapons, and the tide of war is about to turn. To stop this, the Allies have only one option: a do-or-die mission against the castle where the experimental Vril weapons are made. If they can be destroyed before they reach the front lines then the Allies may still win the war. An elite team is quickly assembled and sent into the heart of the Reich. The fate of the world is in their hands.”

The game plays with one to four players and uses 32mm scale miniatures, some of which you will see below...

Reichbusters Minatures #1 - Mythic Games

You will be taking on the role of Allied operatives who are heading out there to smash some Nazis (B.J. Blazkowicz would be proud) on assassination, sabotage and capture missions.

Reich Busters Miniatures #2 - Mythic Games

Each of the characters has their own unique set of skills which makes them fun to play with and indeed allows for plenty of replay value as you dive back in with another character.

Reich Busters Miniatures #3 - Mythic Games

You'll also find that the game features some familiar mechanics from plenty of other games like hand management and loadout customisation. It would be neat to know if there are going to be alternative versions of some of these heroes with different weapons!

Reich Busters Nazis - Mythic Games

You are going to be seeing Reichbusters: Projekt Vril on Kickstarter towards the end of 2018 so make sure to have some cash at the ready of blowing up Nazis is top of your priorities list.

I'm very interested to see how this all turns out as it is another big step in a new direction from Mythic Games.

What do you think?

"B.J. Blazkowicz would be proud..."

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