Dive Into A Flames Of War Campaign With Firestorm: Market Garden

October 21, 2022 by brennon

Battlefront Miniatures has put together a neat set of accessories and gaming material for you to use when playing Flames Of War this week. You'll be able to get your hands on some swanky stuff including the Firestorm: Market Garden campaign set.

Firestorm Campaign Operation Market Garden - Flames Of War

Firestorm Campaign: Operation Market Garden // Flames Of War

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The focus of this campaign set is on getting everyone in your club or store playing together. Generals will be giving out orders whilst players play out their games and dive into all manner of different strategies that could turn the tide of the war in their favour.

Firestorm Campaign Operation Market Garden Kit - Flames Of War

Firestorm Campaign: Operation Market Garden - Kit // Flames Of War

The set comes with a big map for plotting out your movements and serves as pretty much a game in its own right in many respects. I like the idea of resisting Market Garden, especially alongside the newer British releases for Bulge and perhaps even changing the fortunes of the war. As they have said, could this end up being A Bridge Too Far?

British Gaming Sets

As well as the new Firestorm Campaign set, there are also three British-themed gaming sets that will work nicely against the Bulge: British releases that dropped over the last few week or so.

British Airborne Gaming Set - Flames Of War

British Airborne Gaming Set // Flames Of War

Each of the sets comes with a selection of dice bearing an appropriate emblem on the face where the six would be. You also get a set of tokens for marking out particular status effects and the like on your miniatures and a big objective marker too. All of this comes in a themed tin to keep it all safe.

As well as the Airborne set, there are also two Armoured Sets that you can pick up for the 7th and 11th.

British 7th Armoured Gaming Set - Flames Of War

British 7th Armoured Gaming Set // Flames Of War

British 11th Armoured Gaming Set - Flames Of War

British 11th Armoured Gaming Set // Flames Of War

Again, they come with thematic dice, tokens and objective markers which will be handy in-game. I really like these and they seem like perfect presents for someone who is playing Flames Of War but doesn't require any new miniatures just yet. They will always end up using dice, tokens and markers though.

Organising Flames Of War Tournaments?

Last but not least, we have the Challenge Tournament Pack.

Flames Of War Challenge Board - Battlefront Miniatures

Flames Of War - Challenge Board // Battlefront Miniatures

This has been designed as a pack allowing a club or store to run a ladder-style tournament. Players will challenge each other and move up through the different levels to become the store/club champion at the end of it. Whilst you could make something like this up yourself I think it's neat that this combines all of the different elements into one pack and makes it very easy for a store to run a bunch of games.

Inside, you'll find Organiser and Player Instructions, a Challenge Board (seen above), Challenger Dog Tags and a bunch of Certificates. So, a pretty tidy set for a store that likes focusing in on Flames Of War.

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"The focus of this campaign set is on getting everyone in your club or store playing together..."

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