Pre-Order Bulge: British Book & More For Flames Of War

October 4, 2022 by brennon

Battlefront Miniatures is now taking pre-orders for the new selection of Bulge: British books, accessories and miniatures that are coming to support this Allied push during World War II. We start with a new book for the 15mm World War II wargame, Flames Of War.

Bulge British Book - Flames Of War

Bulge: British Book // Flames Of War

Shop Flames Of War @ Store.OnTableTop

The Bulge: British book focuses on the push by the British Army during Operation Market Garden but also delves into the Rhine Crossing and those final clashes in Germany. You will find new rules for building...

"...Comet Armoured Squadron, Challenger-equipped Hussars Armoured Squadron, Cromwell Armoured Squadron, Guards Sherman Armoured Squadron, Ram Armoured Squadron, Black Bull Motor Company, Guards Churchill Armoured Squadron, Kangaroo Rifle Company, Frost’s Parachute Company, and Glider Pilot Squadron"

...amongst other combinations. There is also a full painting and basing guide for the army and this period plus four new Amphibious-themed Missions to undertake. And yes, that also means Amphibious Operations rules for you to get stuck into as well.

A perfect compliment to this new Bulge: British book might actually be the Firestorm: Market Garden Campaign set that is coming out alongside the book.

Firestorm Campaign - Flames Of War

Firestorm: Market Garden Campaign // Flames Of War

Within this book, you'll find rules allowing you and your friends to refight the entirety of the campaign in Flames Of War. As they have said in their description, "can you change history, or will it be A Bridge Too Far?"

New Bulge: British Starter Force

Alongside the new Bulge: British book, you can also pick up a new Starter Force. This might be just what you need to enact the campaign mentioned above!

Comet Armoured Squadron - Flames Of War

Comet Armoured Squadron // Flames Of War

The Comet Armoured Squadron comes with, as you might have guessed a bunch of Comet Tanks, Cromwell, Challenger, Chaffee and Sexton. You also get an MG Team, PIAT Team, Mortars, MGs, Ram Kangaroo, Archers and more. This is all topped off by the Rulebook for Flames Of War, a Start Here Booklet and all the other bits and bobs you need to get playing.

A solid start for anyone wanting to play as the plucky British. This should be dropping next week alongside the first wave of releases so, keep an eye out for it.

More Bulge: British Miniatures

The next few weeks are also going to be filled with additional releases for the British in various packs. Each week you'll get to pick up new vehicles, troops and more to supplement your growing British force for the Late War period.

Comet Armoured Troop - Flames Of War

Comet Armoured Troop // Flames Of War

Archer Anti-Tank Troop newimage - Flames Of War

Archer Anti-Tank Troop // Flames Of War

BOFORS AA Troop - Flames Of War

BOFORS AA Troop // Flames Of War

This is just a portion of the releases that have been lined up for the rest of October and the beginning of November. You are going to have some seriously awesome British kits to play around with and it's neat to see the Bulge range being rounded off nicely.

Are you going to be snapping up these new Bulge: British releases?

"The next few weeks are also going to be filled with additional releases for the British in various packs..."

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