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    Cult of Games Member

    20180909_161312[1]20180909_161334[1]20180909_161346[1]20180909_161400[1]20180909_161416[1]20180909_161148[1]20180909_161239[1]<img s

    Just spent the day painting these Alien models from Prodos. Nice to have some Aliens with a bit of character.



    Awright all!
    It’s been a busy old summer, but I’ve not been slacking. Don’t even remember what I last posted (checks),
    oh right.
    So in the last couple of months I’ve painted up the gaming boards, big white tower with Ivy, and the begins of a Tyranid Army – meet Hive Fleet Khirinchron – colour scheme based around the bottle green scorpion, and pretty genestealer/burrower heavy. Just a bunch of stealers, Broodlord, Trygon and some Gaunts just now, but gonna have another Trygon as well as some Raveners and Warriors before I start getting into godzilla territory.DSC_0609

    But first I am going back to the Astartes. Again.
    (I also played about with the old Chaos scheme again and am running back to Orange with purple bits for that… Will I never learn?)


    I also went exploring some ancient dwarven ruins… (pics for your inspiration)DSC_0458
    This is seriously just down the road from me – pretty funky, jah?
    ^This is an actual cave toilet. In avocado. Cos every century has it’s ’70s.

    They just found more archaeology here recently, so it’ll be pretty be busy and you’re probably not allowed into this dwarven looking cavern anymore. Sorry.



    The point when you question your sanity is when you starting working on some chaps to be POWs…



    Cult of Games Member

    It’s been a while since I’ve worked on any materials for Darkstar project (starship tactical combat game).  However, some people who’ll be at the boot camp have expressed interest in trying this out at the BoW Studios, so I thought now would be the best time to start making up some enhanced 3D playing pieces.

    Now, with eleven active factions and almost 100 starship classes in fourteen different category types, I’ve currently built a total “fleet” of playing pieces (not miniatures) of over 300 ships.  Needless to say, I can’t do 300 ships like in this new enhanced model, so what I’m starting is to build a smaller fleet of say … 20-30 ships then using some kind of magnetized attachment feature where I can switch out the actual “miniatures” with the base (where the faction, ship class, and ship number are displayed).

    After all, there are almost never more than 10-12 ships on the table at once, even in the biggest game.

    So here I have two heavy cruisers, under construction, four light cruisers, and four destroyers, ranging from just under 2″ to 1.5″ long.  Cut from cardboard, balsa dowels, and small jewelry hobby bits.

    And if it doesn’t work out at BoW Studios, no worries.  This was something I’ve been wanting to get started on for quite some time, and it feels good to take a brief break from the desert.

    Darkstar – New 3D Playing Pieces!

    Okay, everyone.  The new scratch-built miniatures are complete and being packed up for shipment across the ocean for the visit to Ireland.

    Again, the idea is for a “fleet” of 20-30 ships or so (10 have been built so far today since about 4:00 AM), and have them detachable for use with different bases for different factions.

    Three ship classes represented here – Destroyer (DD), Light Cruiser (CL), Heavy Cruiser (CA).

    For now, attached to Royal Navy / United Kingdom bases, and IJN / Japan bases.

    Built from light cardboard, balsa dowels, and small bits from my girlfriend’s jewelry hobby box.

    Primed in Krylon medium gray.

    Dry-brushed in lighter gray craft store acrylic.

    Weapons mounts painted lighter gray, along with white and blue running lights, red and green port / starboard maritime navigation lights, and light blue engine glow.


    Cult of Games Member

    Scratch-built miniatures for Darkstar starship tactical wargame.

    So the largest miniatures here are for heavy cruiser.  Just under two inches long.

    The smallest ones are the destroyers, about 1.5 inches.

    This makes the minis about 1:9000 scale (destroyers in this game mass about 45000-52000 tons, about 850 feet long).

    Smaller ships (not built yet) would include frigates, then corvettes, and finally gunboats (about the side of the Millenium Falcon).

    Larger ships would include pocket battleships, battlecruiser, battleships, supercarriers, and superdreadnoughts (600-650,000 tons, about 3-4 kilometers in length).

    Darkstar – New 3D Playing Pieces!


    Cult of Games Member

    over the weekend I finished off my second unit of Warpwolf Stalkers.  Given the fur requires a white undercoat and then lots of washes and drybrushes I knew I couldn’t preserve a zenithal preshade on the cloaks to aid the leather so I decided to go with it.  The cloaks got the same treatment as the fur, but with a dedicated off-white drybrush stage at the end.  They were then inked with Scale75 Inktense Chestnut a few times.  I like it 80% of the time as it gives the leather a lot of texture as well as shading, but the rest of the time I’m not convinced.  I’m happy as an experiment, but what do people think of the leather on the cloaks?


    Hmm.  Clicking on the pic to see a bigger version actually load a smaller version.  Perhaps this needs looking at, or perhaps I just need to learn not to upload “tall” images?


    I also started work on my Great Old Ork Project ( and finished off 12 Gretchins, except for the bases as I ran out of the basing paint.  Well, I didn’t exactly run out.  I couldn’t get to the last of it at the bottom of those stupid double size GW bottles.  I’ll take a saw to it later once I’ve bought more.



    Cult of Games Member

    Last night I was able to put a nice dent in the commissions. Finish two d&d characters and some bases for a kill team.20180910_06040920180910_06034920180910_06032020180910_06030220180910_055520


    Cult of Games Member

    F Games Workshop and their stupidly tall pots for textured paints!  I got an extra 10 bases done with the stuff I couldn’t reach.




    Off to captivity in 1945…


    AB Figures Germans in greatcoats.


    Cult of Games Member

    Just finished some Fallout characters.20180911_10015420180911_10025220180911_10030120180911_100321


    Cult of Games Member

    Bucklepunch8Bucklepunch1Bucklepunch3I began and finished Lord Bucklepunch in one sitting. Rather surprised myself, really, as I had planned on painting terrain last night. Still, I’ll take a completed mini as a victory any day. More pictures posted on the project blog;

    Exploring Lyonesse or My Journeys into Wolsung



    More Volkssturm…




    Some more reinforcements for my Ultramarines:



    Cult of Games Member

    Okay, here are some stuff I have been working on lately. Will try to post more in this thread in the future.

    First it’s a wolf mini from the Conan Board game that I am using as a pet in a DnD campaign. 🙂


    Then there is this Khorne Bloodletter mini that I customized into more of a folklore Krampus demon. This is a part of a bigger project I have started and that I will set up a project page for here on BoW.


    This is the amazing Paul Booner troll that was made for Zombicide Black Plague, I bought that pack of minis just for the Paul Bonner design. I don’t own Zombicide, I am going to use it for other skirmish games, like Blood Eagle.


    And last but not least, this is a simple but so effective little model, I think it is from Reaper Miniatures. I found it in a game store once, and it have only been laying on my shelf, until now when I have finally started painting all my old miniatures I have collected over the years.



    Thats it for now, I know that these miniatures where not so much work in progress images. But wanted to start post things I paint in here. So from now on I will share more of my process and thoughts until the final result.

    Its really inspiring to se all cool stuff everyone is working on in here. Keep up the great work!


    Cult of Games Member

    I forgot to mention that the big blanket roll on the top of the Paul Bonner troll is custom made by me. The basket on his back was filled with human heads, and I thought that was a bit to brutal. So I changed it more in to his traveling backpack. ?

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