The Colourful Canita Joins Your Crew In Freebooter’s Fate

September 10, 2016 by brennon

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Canita is another crew member joining the fight for the Amazons in the world of Freebooter's Fate. See what you think of her, leaping into action.

Canita (Front)

She is quite the wild one and is as deadly with her bow as she is with that knife of hers. I really like the stance here although I reckon it could do with more undergrowth and foliage around the miniature to make her look as if she is leaping from the bushes.

Canita (Rear)

The paint scheme here is great too although I feel maybe it would be nice with even more vibrant colours added into the mix. I know she's probably meant to be quite stealthy but I think she deserves some more colours of the jungle.

What do you think?

"I know she's probably meant to be quite stealthy but I think she deserves some more colours of the jungle..."

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