Meet Mylady & Arrr’chibald Of Piratical Freebooter’s Fate

October 21, 2020 by brennon

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Freebooter's Fate has two new characters to introduce into their world of 28mm Fantasy pirates this month. Leading the way we have the swaggering and deadly Mylady who fights for the Debonn as a specialist!

Mylady - Freebooters Fate

Mylady // Freebooters Fate

Mylady is known as a woman who is often underrated but she is more than just a beauty. She is cool, calculating and intriguing and able to use her skill with words and blade to get what she wants. She has an ability with the game which allows her to beguile one of her opponents so they can't act at all during a round.

Keeping with the swaggering side of things we also have a dashing Pirate in the form of Arrr'chibald here.

Arrrchibald - Freebooters Fate

Arrr'chibald // Freebooters Fate

Arrr'chibald is a character with quite a sense of self-importance. He considers himself the greatest pirate to have ever lived and can do anything that he sets his mind to. He might be a bit of an arse and a pompous one at that, he is actually quite the skilled pirate and could make a difference to your crew.

I do quite like this set of releases for this month as the two models look fantastic (sculpted by Krysa Project) and remind me a lot of a Freebooter take on Elaine and Guybrush from Monkey Island!

Freebooter's Fate Terrain

As well as the two new characters you can also now pick up a pack of Tables & Stools; accessories to scatter amongst your taverns.

Tables & Stools - Freebooters Fate

Tables & Stools // Freebooters Fate

Make sure to prepare plenty of these to toss at your opponents for a proper tavern brawl! Interactive elements like this might be too much clutter for a full wargame but they make skirmish games in my mind. Anything which helps you get stuck into the narrative of a game gets a thumbs up from me.

What do you make of the new Freebooter offerings?

"...remind me a lot of a Freebooter take on Elaine and Guybrush from Monkey Island! "

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