Gangs Of The Undercity Kickstarter Enters Final Days

August 11, 2020 by brennon

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Fragging Unicorns Games are moving in on the final days for their new Cyberpunk/Fantasy miniatures skirmish game called Gangs Of The Undercity. You have four days to get involved and get your hands on some great miniatures.

Gangs Of The Undercity Final Days - Fragging Unicorns Games

Check Out The Gangs Of The Undercity Kickstarter

We have been having a lot of fun with this game and if you'd like to learn more about how it plays then you can watch the two Let's Play videos we've done. The first video covers the basics whilst the second includes additional rules like magic!

Let's Play: Gangs Of The Undercity #1 (The Basics)

Let's Play: Gangs Of The Undercity #2 (Using Magic)

The Kickstarter has a lot of different options for you to choose from with plenty of the pledges allowing you to add on a selection of options like terrain and such but at its core there is a nice buy-in which offers up just what you need to get going in the game.

Gangs Of The Undercity Rookies Pledge - Fragging Unicorns Games

Gangs Of The Undercity Rookies Pledge // Fragging Unicorns Games

With the twelve 28mm miniature for you to choose from, either using them as their in-lore characters or as your own creations, you can get started as you try to take over the Undercity of Neo-Babylon.

Looking beyond that initial buy-in level you can also see just how much the team from Fragging Unicorns Games have unlocked during the campaign...

Gangs Of The Undercity Stretch Goals - Fragging Unicorns Games

Gangs Of The Undercity Stretch Goals // Fragging Unicorns Games

Make sure to follow along on their Kickstarter Page over the next couple of days as they come to the end of the campaign. They might have a few surprises in store and you never know what might pop up in their updates and such.

Are you going to check out Gangs Of The Undercity or have you backed already?

"Are you going to check out Gangs Of The Undercity or have you backed already?"

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