Kev Adams’ Old School Goblins Rampage Onto Kickstarter

November 29, 2023 by brennon

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Old School Miniatures are currently on Kickstarter with an awesome set of Oldhammer figures for those building epic Fantasy armies in 28mm. These Goblins aren't any old Goblins, these are Kev Adams' Goblins!

Kev Adam Goblins - Old Skool Miniatures

Kev Adams' Goblins Kickstarter // Old Skool Miniatures

These miniatures can be used to build an awesome Goblin warband or perhaps be the starting point for a full army. All of them are hand sculpted as you'd expect and come in lovely metal as the lords of wargaming intended. You get a bunch of fun characters as well as a band of deadly archers ready to ambush their foes.

Leading the way, we have the Heroes of this particular band of miscreants. You get a Warlord and two Shamans who are going to be forcing Goblins into battle and conjuring up all manner of terribly unsafe spells.

The Heroes - Old School Miniatures

The Heroes // Old School Miniatures

The Warlord of this bunch is Gan Green and then you have the Shamans Abra The Small (left) and Cadabra-The-Not-Very-Big (right). I really like the fierce look of Gan Green which showcases the the fact that these Goblins mean business! I think Abra The Small might get a chuckle out of Warren with that mushroom wand.

In addition to the Heroes, you've also got the Barn Stickers. This gives you a good core of Goblin Archers to use in your Fantasy games and they are led by a full Command section.

Barn Door Stickers Command - Old School Miniatures

Barn Door Stickers Command // Old School Miniatures

This gives you a Champion, Leader, Musician and Standard Bearer that should allow you to fill out most regiments in your classic Fantasy wargames. The Leader with the big horned helmet could be used as a general in their own right if you prefer. I also like the musician's well-thought-out instrument that showcases the benefits of recycling.

There are also three sets of Goblin Archers themselves (one set pictured here). These allow you to build that warband or perhaps you could rank them up!

Barn Door Stickers Archers - Old School Miniatures

Barn Door Stickers Archers// Old School Miniatures

You've got loads of ace sculpts to choose from over on the Kickstarter campaign so make sure to go and get a closer look at the offerings from Old School Miniatures.

There are just four days left on this campaign so if these Goblins have excited you, make sure to check the campaign out. It is also worth exploring the wider range from Old School Miniatures as they have some real treasures over on their webstore.

Will you be picking these up?

"These miniatures can be used to build an awesome Goblin warband or perhaps be the starting point for a full army..."

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