Meridian Bring The Twisted Night Heralds To Kickstarter

December 2, 2021 by brennon

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Meridian Miniatures' Andrew May is back on Kickstarter with a brand new set of miniatures inspired by the work of Black Crab Art, Mortiz Krebs. The Night Heralds are now wandering the grim, muddy, sodden streets of some dark Fantasy world.

The Night Heralds - Meridian Miniatures

The Night Heralds Kickstarter // Meridian Miniatures

The focus of this particular campaign revolves around the introduction of a couple of towering monstrous foes. You'll also find a band of hapless heroes in the mix as well who have been tasked with defeating these creatures or at least surviving against their onslaught.

Standing at over 60mm tall, the Night Heralds themselves are twisted and terrifying foes. Nightmares made reality.

Night Herald #1 - Meridian Miniatures

Night Herald // Meridian Miniatures

They wouldn't look out of place in the margins of an old Warhammer rulebook or hobbling and shuffling around the dreary, bleak worlds of Dark Souls. One of them comes with a notched and battered blade whilst the second clutches a fearsome mace.

The Night Herald #2 - Meridian Miniatures

The Night Herald // Meridian Miniatures

Matched against these terrors is a set of heroes who have been forced to pick up weapons and defend their village.

Heroes - Meridian Miniatures

Heroes // Meridian Miniatures

I absolutely love these miniatures as "heroes". You have the Hero, the Heroine and the Father & Son as part of this set. Again, the style here from Mortiz Krebs and Meridian reminds me of classic Warhammer but also, of course, the new look and feel for the likes of Turnip 28 and Sludge.

Scale Comparison - Meridian Miniatures

Scale Comparison // Meridian Miniatures

You would definitely have to paint these miniatures either monochrome with flashes of red here and there OR just absolutely doused in Agrax Earthshade. They deserve to be as dirty and bloody as possible as they try and hold back the twisted creatures of the shadow.

Past Miniatures

As well as the new miniatures tied to the theme of the Night Heralds, we also have a set of miniatures you can pick up from some of the older campaigns.

The Necropolis Nobles - Meridian Miniatures

The Necropolis Nobles // Meridian Miniatures

For example, one of the sets is the Necropolis Nobles which features a collection of strange and no doubt entirely corrupted nobles who lord it over the peasants of the town. The sculpts are absolutely packed with character and perfect for those looking to build interesting collections of miniatures for grimdark-style wargames.

You also have the original set of miniatures inspired by the Black Crab Art collection/style. Each of these would be great as scenario "bosses" in your skirmish wargames.

Original Collection - Meridian Miniatures

Original Collection // Meridian Miniatures

I love the idea of using these in the likes of Rangers Of Shadow Deep as an example. I think a lot of this would work nicely with some of the darker and twisted scenarios in the game and give things a desperate and deadly feel.

There is more for you to check out over on the Kickstarter page. So, if this has inspired you, make sure to dive in deeper!

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"...the style here from Mortiz Krebs and Meridian reminds me of classic Warhammer but also, of course, the new look and feel for the likes of Turnip 28 and Sludge"

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

Supported by (Turn Off)

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