Knight Models Defend Themyscira With New Wonder Woman

October 28, 2019 by brennon

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Knight Models has been showing off some new releases for the end of October and beginning of November. This time around we're looking at some new options for the DC Universe Miniatures Game starting off with Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman - Knight Models

This new version of Wonder Woman is shown again on top of a very large looking scenic base which gives her a commanding presence on the tabletop. She has the proper 'hero' thing going on with flowing hair, a billowing cape and sword pointed down at her next foe. She also comes with an alternate helmeted head if you fancy trying that out.

The Boy Of Steel

As well as this new version of Wonder Woman we also have a few new releases with allegiance to Superman. Here is Superboy & Steel in a new pack.

Superboy & Steel - Knight Models

According to Knight Models, Superboy was considered a clone of Superman and fought alongside the Teen Titans. Despite this similarity, he has different powers and weaknesses to the Man Of Steel.

Talking of Steel, we also have John Henry here who decided to dedicate himself to Superman's quest and helped him destroy Doomsday when he threatened the city.

Squad Up!

As well as these heroes we also have some anti-heroes. Here is the Suicide Squad, ready to get stuck into all sorts of nefarious misdeeds which will no doubt help save us all.

Suicide Squad - Knight Models

These are some pretty neat and dynamic sculpts and I do like what they've been doing here. It's nice to see another set of miniatures which have a little more going on in the gaming department rather than just looking like a set of statues that you are meant to set on the gaming shelf.

What do you make of the new models?

"It's nice to see another set of miniatures which have a little more going on in the gaming department..."

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