Malifaux Monday Offers A Glimpse Into Future Release Schedule

March 16, 2015 by deltagamegirl22

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It's Monday, a Malifaux player's new favorite day of the week- which means only one thing...something good is on the way! Today Wyrd gave us the tentative rundown of release schedules for the next few months. Take a look at these lists:

Malifaux March Releases

Malifaux April Releases

Which have led to us having a look at some pretty awesome new crew boxes that will be taking you through the rest of the first half of the year. See what you think of some of these boxes in more detail.

Herald of Obliteration

Closing Time

Master of Puppets

Take Back The Night


Some new oddities for the world of Malifaux as well as some stunning plastic reboots for fan favorites. By the way, if you played Malifaux previously with the metal miniatures, then you absolutely have to pick up some of the plastics. The level of detail is really incredible.

Malifaux May Releases

Malifaux June Releases

All of this is, I think you'll agree, looking pretty special and I already have a few new crews in mind when it comes to what I want to do next. A big favourite for me however is getting some of those Guild Astringers!

Guild Astringers


Mechanical Rider

Oxfordian Mages

Pale Rider


Widow Weaver

I wonder how many of you will be getting the Peacekeeper or indeed something more magical in the form of the Oxfordian Mages? I think those spellcasters might just sway me over to the side of witches and warlocks in Malifaux!

See any must haves on these lists?

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