New Rules, Vehicles & Starter Sets For Mantic Games’ Firefight!

July 12, 2023 by brennon

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Mantic Games are now taking pre-orders for a new book and more to get you diving deeper into the 28mm Sci-Fi wargame of Firefight! Are you going to be picking up the new Command Protocols book?

Firefight Command Protocols - Mantic Games

Firefight - Command Protocols // Mantic Games

This new book is a Firefight-based match to the Clash Of Kings books that are used for Kings Of War. It includes all of the new updates and such for their Sci-Fi wargame so if you're eager to get more out of the Forge Fathers, Veer-Myn and more then you'll want to snap this up.

Welcome Back To Firefight // Mantic Games

For existing players, all of the new content is included like updated rules, balance tweaks and an army list for Mazon Labs. If you're new to Firefight then you'll also find everything you need to get started with the game within these pages.

How To Play Firefight // Mantic Games

As well as all of the updates for those wanting to play out normal games, you will also find rules for Annihilation Games which take things to the next level. That means air squadrons, rumbling lines of tanks and huge teams of walkers with massive guns all striding into battle, built using a new kind of force organisation system.

Firefight Convoy - Mantic Games

Firefight Convoy // Mantic Games

As well as a new set of rules for building your armies with a bunch of vehicles, you will also find a selection of specially designed missions suited to Annihilation. All of these have been designed to match the larger scale of your games in Annihilation "mode" which will also call for some bigger tables!

Firefight Tanks - Mantic Games

Firefight Tanks // Mantic Games - Archon Studios

As well as vehicle-only bundles Mantic have also made mechanised starter forces that give a mix of vehicles with infantry support, so they're an ideal way of getting into regular Firefight and the new Annihilation games. They also showcase Mantic's collaborations with other gaming companies to add additional models into the Warpath universe adding more depth and diversity to the lists without having to wait months to get the physical models.


Enforcer Pathfinder Recon Force // Mantic Games - Warlord Games

If you're looking to get your hands on some vehicles to start playing your games at the Annihilation level, you can now pre-order loads of them for the GCPS, Plague, Mazon Labs, Enforcers and Marauders over on the Mantic webstore now. More vehicles for the Veer-Myn, Forge Fathers and Asterians are coming later down the line.

New Firefight Starter Set Options

As well as the new book, there are also two new Two-Player Starter Sets which you can choose from if you're just starting to dive in.

Battle Of Cabot III Two Player Starter Set - Firefight

Battle Of Cabot III - Two-Player Starter Set // Firefight

The first of these focuses on a battle between the Enforcers and the Marauders with a whole host of troops. There are seventy miniatures in the set covering both forces as well as the new Command Protocols book, tokens and such to get you started in the game. This works as a great introduction for those wanting to try out a new Sci-Fi wargame.

If you'd prefer to go with the forces of the Veer-Myn and the Forge Fathers then you can also pick up the Assault On Exham set.

Assault On Exham Two Player Starter Set - Firefight

Assault On Exham - Two-Player Starter Set // Firefight

This comes with fifty-five miniatures including some bigger vehicles like the Sturnhammer, the Tunneler and the Tunnel Runners. Another solid mix of regular troops as well as the Firefight Rulebook and Command Protocols book which gives you another way into one of our favourite Sci-Fi wargames.

You can also get your hands on all of the vehicles that we've previewed above like the Wolverines, Gunships and Mule for their appropriate factions. It's neat that we're seeing a great surge of support for Firefight from Mantic Games and hopefully, more folks are going to be giving this game a go.

Will you be diving in?

"It's neat that we're seeing a great surge of support for Firefight from Mantic Games and hopefully, more folks are going to be giving this game a go..."

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