Pre-Order 02 Hundred Hours’ Partisan Expansion Now!

January 27, 2023 by brennon

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It doesn't feel like we talked about them that long ago but you can now pre-order the Partisan Expansions for 02 Hundred Hours by Grey For Now Games. There are two sets to snag which will allow you to dive into more fighting behind enemy lines in World War II.

Jedburgh Team - 02 Hundred Hours

Jedburgh Team // 02 Hundred Hours

One of the sets that we'd not seen properly before now is the new Jedburgh Team. This is an Allied squad that was sent behind enemy lines with a British Officer and native speakers from different European countries like the Netherlands and France for example. They would then team up with the French Resistance and aid them in their attacks on German supply lines, supporting the Allied advance across Europe.

Then, you can get your hands on the Partisan Resistance Cell which comes with all of the new metal miniatures alongside a selection of the Partisan plastics from the folks at Wargames Atlantic.

Partisan Resistance Cell - 02 Hundred Hours

Partisan Resistance Cell // 02 Hundred Hours

As we've talked about in earlier news stories, the Partisan expansion adds new cards that will allow you to set up traps and all sorts. Allied soldiers and the beleaguered Resistance can then work together in order to take down German emplacements and work to stop their occupation in towns and villages across France.

There is an additional bundle which collects together the Resistance Cell and the Jedburgh set so you can get all of the new things in one place.

Are you going to be snapping these new sets up?

"...the Partisan expansion adds new cards that will allow you to set up traps and all sorts"

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