An Abhorrant Gorewarden Swoops Into Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

November 8, 2023 by brennon

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Games Workshop has dropped a preview of a new miniature coming to their Fantasy wargame, Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. The Abhorrant Gorewarden is swooping in to support the Flesh-Eater Courts in their bloodthirsty quests across The Mortal Realms.

Abhorrant Gorewarden - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Abhorrant Gorewarden // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

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Channelling vibes of the classic Strigoi from Warhammer Fantasy, these Gorewardens are well-regarded servants of the Summerking, albeit it only in their minds. They carry the symbolic keys to the kingdom which might end up being more like jingling trinkets compared to being of actual use to anyone. They rove the kingdom looking for those that have displeased their liege and lock them away in the dungeons to be kept prisoner (turned into dinner).

Abhorrant Gorewarden Details - Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Abhorrant Gorewarden (Details) // Warhammer Age Of Sigmar

Continuing with that vibe of the Flesh-Eater Courts being madden creatures that are convinced they are chivalrous knights and courtiers, the Gorewarden sports a lovely ruff made of bones which no doubt makes them feel fabulous. I really love the wings as well and as someone who always liked the classic Strigoi, this is ticking a lot of boxes for me!

Will you be picking up an Abhorrant Gorewarden?

"Channelling vibes of the classic Strigoi from Warhammer Fantasy, these Gorewardens are well-regarded servants of the Summerking..."

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