Go “Over The Top” With Anvil Industry’s 3D Printing Patreon

June 2, 2020 by brennon

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Anvil Industry has joined a number of other miniature wargaming companies in taking to Patreon to fund 3D Printable models. Backers can now take a look at the Anvil Digital Forge which kicked off this month by going "Over The Top".

Trench Officer - Anvil Digital Forge

The first Patreon bundle from the team is focused on grimdark trench warfare and allowing you to print off your own band of desperate veteran soldiers who are battling at the forefront of some far-flung warzone.

Anvil Digital Forge - Patreon Components

Above, you can see one of the Trench Officers from the set but here is the full selection they have for you this month...

Over The Top - Anvil Digital Forge.jpg

The set contains over fifty separate components which allow you to make a bunch of foot troops, characters, and also some terrain pieces themed to the force.

3D Printing Anvil Industry Terrain

This means you can make a neat alternative force for use in the likes of Warhammer 40,000, Warpath, or whatever other game takes your fancy.

Scenery - Anvil Digital Forge.jpg

You can get a better look at how all of the components breakdown by checking out their update HERE. They have taken a closer look at a lot of the different elements and talked about how they call fit together. The troops, for example, are semi-modular and can be assembled in a few different ways to match bodies, heads and legs.

With another company joining Patreon to offer their miniatures in a digital fashion, you're spoilt for choice if you've got a 3D Printer or access to one.

Make sure to take a look if you like doing a bit of wargaming DIY!

"With another company joining Patreon to offer their miniatures in a digital fashion, you're spoilt for choice if you've got a 3D Printer or access to one..."

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