Bad Roll Games Set Things On Fire In Punkapocalyptic

February 3, 2018 by brennon

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The Gasoline Pack brings two new characters to the wasteland of the Punkapocalyptic world with a love of fire and fuel. It seems rather apt I'd say to enjoy both those things.

Gasoline Pack - Punkapocalyptic

Here we have two different characters, which can be picked up individually, with Momma Nutritora leading the way there. With gas mask fitted you'd imagine she is no stranger to the smell of gasoline and enjoys fuelling her contraptions with black gold.

Gasoline Pack - Momma Nutritora

Following her, and running around with a can of gasoline, we have Burn.

Gasoline Pack - Burnt

Maybe he's running away with the can with hopes of bringing it back to his master, or he's about to chuck it at you and turn you into a flaming mess. Maybe he even enjoys the idea of coating himself in the gasoline and setting himself on fire?

What do you think of this set?

"...she is no stranger to the smell of gasoline and enjoys fuelling her contraptions with black gold"

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