Bad Squiddo Launches Definitely Not Damsels Kickstarter!

September 29, 2021 by brennon

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Bad Squiddo Games are back on Kickstarter this week with a brand new short campaign, Definitely Not Damsels! This provides folks with more awesome-looking 28mm white metal miniatures for using in your skirmish wargames and roleplaying adventures on the tabletop.

Definietly Not Damsels - Bad Squiddo Games

Definitely Not Damsels Kickstarter // Bad Squiddo Games

There is quite a range of different miniatures that cover a lot of Fantasy archetypes allowing you to play as Fighters, Rangers, Mages, Rogues and the like as well as something a little more esoteric if you prefer.

Fighter & Ranger - Bad Squiddo Games

Fighter & Ranger // Bad Squiddo Games

Each of the miniatures is single piece where possible and should be nice and easy to mount on a base and get painting. Sculpting comes from a few different folks including Shane Hoyle, Kev White, Mark Evans, Andrew May, Alan Marsh and James Sherriff

Mercenaries - Bad Squiddo Games

Mercenaries // Bad Squiddo Games

Many of the miniatures would be perfect for dropping into Fantasy skirmish games like Frostgrave for example but they could also be used for Dungeons & Dragons, Oathmark and perhaps even a few Historical games too.

Rogue & Cleric - Bad Squiddo Games

Rogue & Cleric // Bad Squiddo Games

I like pretty much all of the miniatures Bad Squiddo have added into the mix although I think my favourite might be this pack below. As someone who has played a lot of Skyrim, who could say no to Merchant Kitties?

Merchant Kitties - Bad Squiddo Games

Merchant Kitties // Bad Squiddo Games

Stretch Goals are already in the works for the Kickstarter campaign and you can also pick up a selection of Add-Ons too. There are older miniatures from the Bad Squiddo collection plus loads and loads of terrain.

Kev White Sculpt - Bad Squiddo Games

Kev White Sculpt // Bad Squiddo Games

This means that you can pick up your new adventuring group and build the environment they're questing in at the same time.

Make sure to head on over and check out Annie's latest project as there are only four days left!

"Make sure to head on over and check out Annie's latest project as there are only four days left!"

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Supported by (Turn Off)

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