Battle Through Tiny Titan-Worthy Terrainscapes From Forge World

December 15, 2018 by brennon

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Forge World continue to build on their collection of terrain for use in Adeptus Titanicus with Civitas District War Zone Beta. This is a new range of terrain for your Titans to stomp around.

Civitas District War Zone Beta - Forge World

The details on these are great and reflect a large industrial landscape, perhaps a Forge World, which has been torn apart by war.

Civitas District War Zone Beta (Close) - Forge World

This would be great for those looking to reflect the clashes from the Horus Heresy on the tabletop.

Have you checked out some of this terrain yourself?

"This would be great for those looking to reflect the clashes from the Horus Heresy on the tabletop..."

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