Blood Hits The Sands In Sarissa’s Ludus Arena

October 22, 2018 by brennon

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Getting into the Roman vibe, Sarissa Precision has produced a new Ludus Arena which can be used for all of your Gladiatorial battles on the tabletop.

Ludus Arena (Components) - Sarissa Precision

The set comes with the ringed Ludus as well as a set of animal pens plus a gladiatorial pen too. You also get a larger seating area which overlooks the fighting.

Ludus Arena #1 - Sarissa Precision

It looks rather nice indeed and could provide you with a great place for playing out your gladiatorial matches plus if you wanted to have a scuffle here in Gangs Of Rome that gives you another great option.

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"Are you tempted by this new terrain piece for your games set during the Ancient period?"

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