Fighting Fantasy Books Relaunching With Scholastic

June 28, 2017 by brennon

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The classic Gamebooks that got so many of us into the hobby from Fighting Fantasy are going to be relaunching under Scholastic with new covers and a new image for the next generation of adventurers.

Fighting Fantasy Re-Release Covers

As well as a re-release of the old classics as you see here they will also be working on a book for younger readers, The Portal Of Peril. I really like the new art style for the covers, thanks to Robert M. Ball and I think it will be great to see these back on shelves properly.

Here's some of the old artwork for the books as a comparison...

Warlock of Firetop Mountain

City of Thieves

They have managed to bring across a lot of the classic look with a new style.

Forest Of Doom

This gives me an excuse to start collecting the books all over again since some of them have gone missing! Look out for the re-release in early August.

Will you be getting a new generation of heroes into these books?

"As well as a re-release of the old classics as you see here they will also be working on a book for younger readers, The Portal Of Peril..."

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