Captain Flint Searches For Treasure With Wargames Illustrated

October 15, 2019 by brennon

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Embrace the sense of piratical adventure in Treasure Island with Wargames Illustrated's next addition to the Giants In Miniature range, Captain Flint.

Captain Flint - Wargame Illustrated

Here's the background on this famous sailor...

"Captain J. Flint is one of the main characters in the book Treasure Island. In Stevenson’s book, Flint was the captain of a pirate ship, The Walrus, which accumulated an enormous amount of captured treasure, approximately £700,000. Flint and six members of his crew bury the plunder on an island located somewhere in the Caribbean. Flint then murders his six assistants, leaving the corpse of one, Allardyce, with its arms outstretched in the direction of the buried treasure. He is a ruthless man, who expects the best from his crew. His origins are somewhat mysterious, some say he is the bastard child of Blackbeard, others that he once served in the British Royal Navy."

He is a rather insidious character but one that would be exceptionally fun to play with in your games. You can also see him in action with the TV series Black Sails which was a little bit of a hard watch, to begin with, but turns into quite the spectacle later on down the line.

I think the model looks very cool and he'll be a good fit with the likes of Black Powder and Blood & Plunder and any other skirmishing pirate game you might have sitting around.

Do you reckon you'll be picking up a copy of Captain Flint?

"...he'll be a good fit with the likes of Black Powder and Blood & Plunder"

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