Dream Pod 9 Show Off New Painted Flail Squad Miniatures

June 5, 2016 by brennon

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The world of Heavy Gear is expanding and the folks at Dream Pod 9 have shown off some new painted miniatures, the Flail Squad. Here you can see them here painted up and looking great...

CEF Flail Squad

So what are we seeing here...

"The image below shows the four different types of Flail Infantry squads (three Flail minis on a 40mm round base) that you can make by changing the top/back mounted weapon: Anti-Tank Flail Squad (top left), Stock Flail Squad (top right), Interdiction Flail Squad (bottom left), and Support Flail Squad (bottom right).

Two Flail Infantry Squads are included in the Core Starter Set and CEF Army Set."

Not bad at all. These are a continuing effort to show off what's in the works for their plastic range which is looking very good indeed.

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