Dystopian Wars’ Sultanate Suleiman Battlefleet Set Hits The Seas

May 25, 2022 by brennon

Dystopian Wars expands once again this month with Warcradle Studios looking to build up the forces of the Sultanate. The new Suleiman Battlefleet Set is going to be available to pre-order soon from the Wayland Games webstore.

Suleiman Battlefleet Set - Dystopian Wars

Suleiman Battlefleet Set // Dystopian Wars

The pride and joy of this particular set is the resin Suleiman Fleet Carrier. The options here allow you to introduce this impressive ship into the mix that can unleash swarms of Sabiha Strike Aircraft that can irritate your opponent!

Suleiman Class Fleet Carrier - Dystopian Wars

Suleiman Class Fleet Carrier // Dystopian Wars

Dominating the skies is the way forward for sure. Making sure that you can keep your enemy pinned down under constant fire from above could be a handy tactic, forcing them to make some rash decisions.

The model also looks awesome. I like all the detail on the back that looks like a small town or factory that is busy working away repairing and creating aircraft. It's also nice to see aircraft on the deck itself so you get a sense of what it's like in the midst of the action.

There are also plenty of awesome additional ships in the mix for you to use when making your fleet.

Constantiople Class Option For Cruiser - Dystopian Wars

Constantinople Class Option For Cruiser // Dystopian Wars

As you'll have seen, you get the Suleiman Fleet Carrier but then you also have the three Cruisers which can be made in a variety of different ways. You can see one of them (from the wider collection) above! The Cruisers can be Iskandar, Izmir, Pasha or Sadrazam Class ships. You can also combine the Cruisers as we've seen in the past to make the Hurrem Grand Cruiser or the Mehmed Grand Monitor.

Hurrem Class Grand Cruiser - Dystopian Wars

Hurrem Class Grand Cruiser // Dystopian Wars

Mehmed Class Grand Monitor - Dystopian Wars

Mehmed Class Grand Monitor // Dystopian Wars

In addition to that, you also have the Temir Frigates, three more Cruisers that can be assembled as Constantinople, Mihrimah, Konya, Aydin or Morea Class ships. Capping things off, we also have a set of Ferik Escort Skiffs and then the SRS Tokens representing the fighters that your lead ship can unleash.

Alliance Frontline Squadrons

You can also expand things for the Alliance! See what you make of the Alliance Frontline Squadron...

Alliance Frontline Squadron - Dystopian Wars

Alliance Frontline Squadron // Dystopian Wars

In this set, you'll find two more Cruisers that can be assembled as a Loire, Picardy, Chevalier or Charlemagne Class Ship for use on the tabletop. Again, the design of these is really nice and should be a lot of fun to paint. I like the idea of making them feel extravagant with some good colour schemes! This set is also finished off by the Ecuyere Frigates of which you have four.

So, some fun things coming your way for the Sultanate and Alliance when it comes to Dystopian Wars!

"I like the idea of making them feel extravagant with some good colour schemes!"

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