Elladan’s New Barbarians Flex Their Way Into Battle

March 16, 2020 by brennon

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Elladan has garnered the help of Boris Woloszyn who has been working on some more Barbarians for you to throw into your games of High Fantasy adventure. Here we have the Barbarian Twins!

Barbarian Twins #1 - Elladan Miniatures

These miniatures come in 30mm scale and feature a range of different weapon and accessory options. There are three swords, an axe, torch and also a trophy which can be used to vary up the look of your Barbarians.

Barbarian Twins #2 - Elladan Miniatures

So, if you're looking for some more hulking Barbarians who are ready to cut their way through foes and make a name for themselves then this might be the place to look! If you're into your classic Fantasy archetypes then these would certainly match those too and work really well for a bit of old school Dungeons & Dragons.

I do still love the idea of running a full band of Barbarian warriors in a roleplaying game. No healers, no wizards, just a bunch of men and women with rock hard abs and a penchant for raging. I think it would be both fun and possibly go very badly too!

Do you like this pair? Which weapons would you arm them with?

"I do still love the idea of running a full band of Barbarian warriors in a roleplaying game..."

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