Set Up Encounters With Loke’s New Battle Map Board!

November 8, 2023 by brennon

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Diving into a session of Dungeons & Dragons with friends and find yourself needing a handy means to show off the encounter they have just stumbled into? Keep an eye out for the Battle Map Board which is coming soon from Loke BattleMats.

Battle Map Board - Loke BattleMats

Battle Map Board // Loke BattleMats

This board comes in grid and hex form and folds out into a wipe clean surface that measures twenty-four by twenty-four inches. There is a one inch grid on one side and one inch hexes on the reverse meaning that you can quickly doodle out your different encounters without having to worry about tiles and such. If you've left your other Battle Maps from Loke behind for some reason, this could be good in an emergency.

Battle Map Board Contents - Loke BattleMats

Battle Map Board Contents // Loke BattleMats

Pack this in alongside your books and if you're roleplaying at conventions and such, this could be super helpful when you're caught short during an encounter! It's also a stable and flat base for miniatures and terrain so you're not going to be seeing things wobble all over the place.

A great idea and one that might fit into my own Dungeon Master's arsenal!

"It's also a stable and flat base for miniatures and terrain..."

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