Grab Gallic & Iberian Warbands From Gripping Beast For SAGA

July 28, 2021 by brennon

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The folks at Gripping Beast have put together two warband sets for those wanting to play games of SAGA set during the Age Of Hannibal. There are two Historical factions for you to choose from with a Gallic and Iberian Warband in the mix.

Gallic Warband - SAGA

Gallic Warband // SAGA

Each of the sets has been designed to give you a four-point warband. This is a good way to get started in the game and fashion the core of a force. Within the Gallic force, you get the Mounted Warlord, eight Mounted Hearthguard and sixteen Warriors split up into two sets of eight. All of them make for deadly warriors worthy of a rampage against the Roman Empire and come in metal.

Iberian Starter Warband

As well as the Gallic forces, we also have a band of Iberian warriors who are seeking to make a name for themselves.

Iberian Warband - SAGA

Iberian Warband // SAGA

This Iberian Warband follows a similar format to the Gallic one. You get a Mounted Warlord, eight Mounted Hearthguard and then sixteen Warriors again split up into two sets of eight.

If you're looking to fight out some Ancient battles using the SAGA rules then these might be a good place to start. They are a bit more expensive than picking up plastic kits and using those to get going in the game but you do get the metal figures and lots of mounted options here.

Are you going to be picking one of these up?

"If you're looking to fight out some Ancient battles using the SAGA rules then these might be a good place to start..."

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