Gripping Beast Show Off Charging Goth Elite Cavalry

December 2, 2019 by brennon

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Gripping Beast has been showing off a lot of different reveals over the last few days. Leading the charge into this week we have the Goth Elite Cavalry.

Goth Elite Cavalry #1 - Gripping Beast

Mounted up on their powerful steeds, clad in armour which will deflect all but the most deadly weapons, they are some very angry Germanic warriors who are hell-bent on charging into your ranks and knocking them aside as they sow chaos amongst your army.

Goth Elite Cavalry #2 - Gripping Beast

You will be able to assemble twelve of them with either spears, axes or swords as well as a selection of different heads and shields. You can also add in an optional vexillium which gives you a way to build lots of additional character into the mix.

As you can see above, the models would be a good fit for the likes of Swordpoint and SAGA...

"...they are some very angry Germanic warriors who are hell-bent on charging into your ranks and knocking them aside"

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