Snap Up Gripping Beast’s Dark Age Irish Plastic Set

November 17, 2021 by brennon

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The new Dark Age Irish plastic set from Gripping Beast is now available to pick up from their webstore. This new set comes with twenty-five Dark Age Irish warriors that could be used for the likes of Swordpoint, SAGA, or any other Historical wargame of the right period.

Dark Age Irish Box - Gripping Beast NOV

Dark Age Irish Box // Gripping Beast

Inside the box are five sprues which different bodies, heads, round shields, bucklers, Irish cloaks, spears and more. You'll also find shortswords, hand axes, Dane-axes and more swords in scabbards too. They can all be assembled in a variety of poses.

Dark Age Irish Examples #1 - Gripping Beast

Dark Age Irish Miniatures // Gripping Beast

The sculpts come from Bob Naismith and show off some nifty options for those playing as the Dark Age Irish. This would also be a good shout for those playing as the Irish in the early portions of the Middle-Ages too as their kit didn't change all that much.

Dark Age Irish Examples #2 - Gripping Beast

I like that you get some dynamic sculpts and poses to play around with in the set. They look like a proper raiding force or an army of soldiers seeking to repel the attacks of ravaging Vikings. There are plenty of Gerry's in the set that's for sure!

It should be noted that the set does not come with bases so you'll want to source those for the game of your choice. Either get them ranked up on squares or skirmishing on rounds!

What do you make of this new plastic kit?

"They look like a proper raiding force or an army of soldiers seeking to repel the attacks of ravaging Vikings..."

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