Pick Up Gripping Beast’s Swordpoint The Hundred Years’ War

November 24, 2021 by brennon

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Gripping Beast has now added another book to their Swordpoint collection. The Hundred Years' War is the focus of their Ancient and Medieval wargaming rules which is available to snap up now.

The Hundred Years War - Swordpoint

The Hundred Years' War// Swordpoint

This book comes with loads of information for fighting out the campaigns of The Hundred Years' War. It also covers the Anglo-Scottish Wars and the conflicts that were fought across the Iberian Peninsula.

There are also eighteen new and extended Army Lists, four new scenarios and a campaign system for the above mentioned periods of history. If you wanted to continue your wars using Swordpoint then you now have another option!

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"This book comes with loads of information for fighting out the campaigns of The Hundred Years' War..."

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