Hit The High Seas With Dystopian War’s Republic Of Egypt Fleet

May 22, 2017 by brennon

Making their way into the Mediterranean and then out towards the Atlantic we have the new Republic Of Egypt Naval Battle Group from the folks at Spartan Games for Dystopian Wars.

Republic Of Egypt Dystopian Wars

The new set is designed to get you in the mood for more conflicts around the North of Africa and throughout the Middle East. Inside you get...

  • 1x Mandjet Battleship
  • 2x Bastet Support Carriers and Drone Tokens
  • 3x Sekhmet Cruisers
  • 4x Pedjet Frigates
  • 5x Khopesh Corvettes
  • 12x Scarab Assault Robot Bases

...and each of the models does look rather neat. If you're wanting to get a bit more exotic when it comes to Dystopian Wars then you've now got a perfect entry point.

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"If you're wanting to get a bit more exotic when it comes to Dystopian Wars then you've now got a perfect entry point..."

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