June’s Reaper Bones Black Miniature Is A Mighty Ogre

June 4, 2019 by brennon

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Reaper Miniatures has been showing off the new Bones Black model which you can pick up for June. Garghuk, Ogre Chieftain is ready to face down any foolish adventurers who step his way.

Garghuk Ogre Chieftain - Reaper Miniatures

This burly fellow could certainly have been hired by some nefarious villain. I could see Garghuk being bought to guard some ancient treasure by the villain of your role-playing campaign. His warband, maybe made up of Gnolls, Orcs, Bugbears and such watch over dank caverns and ruined structures.

His grim look gives him the air of someone waiting for a proper challenge. Who would want to face him?

What do you make of their newest Bones Black release?

"His warband, maybe made up of Gnolls, Orcs, Bugbears and such watch over dank caverns and ruined structures..."

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