The Junkers & Eightfingers Get Kitted Out For A Punkapocalyptic Scrap

May 25, 2015 by brennon

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Punkapocalyptic is now gearing up to hit the tabletop after a successful IndieGoGo Campaign from Bad Roll Games. With that in mind they've not only shown off their Kickstarter Exclusive miniature Eightfingers but also show off another of the Female Junkers with a bloomin' great blunderbuss...


The first of the miniatures to show off is Eightfingers himself who you can see below. He comes armed with an assortment of different melee weapons and what appears to be quite the wasteland trophy.


He is still without some of his scars and the additional detail as well as also having all of his fingers but the next step will be to add all that and then get him posed to look awesome and heroic.


On the other side of things we have the very happy looking Female Junker who has gone through a bit of tweaking to get her to the stages she is at now.

Female Junker

Female Junker (Corrections)

Not only have they got her now armed to the teeth but also some additional detail work has gone into her outfit too. I think she's a great miniature and would be a fantastic project to paint up in a range of disparate colours to match the wasteland style.

What do you reckon to her and Eightfingers?

"...the next step will be to add all that and then get him posed to look awesome and heroic"

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