Knight Models Discuss Plastic For The Batman Miniatures Game

November 21, 2019 by brennon

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Knight Models has been discussing the process they have been going through when it comes to developing the materials used for the different models in the Batman Miniatures Game.

Batman Plastics - Knight Models

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The big focus here has been on developing a material which both holds a lot of detail but also provides you with a lot of reliability and flexibility to make sure you don't get lots of broken models when you're transporting them around.

"For this new box, we’ve been working behind the scenes to improve our plastic production. We’ve not only upgraded our manufacturing process, but also the materials we work with. Our new plastic manages to be both more robust and hold higher detail than ever before.

We are very happy with this change, and we can’t wait until you guys can hold the fruits of our labours in your hands – we hope you’ll love the new miniatures as much as we do!"

As always the proof is in the pudding but we're getting a good vibe from what we're seeing here. In fact, if you head over to Facebook you'll see a little snippet of them tinkering around with Batman's cape.

Are you impressed with what Knight Models have been offering?

"The big focus here has been on developing a material which both holds a lot of detail but also provides you with a lot of reliability and flexibility..."

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