Add New Monitor Ships Into The Mix For Dropfleet Factions

November 21, 2019 by brennon

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TTCombat has a handful of new ships which are coming out for all of the Dropfleet Commander factions. This Friday you'll be able to pick up the Monitor ships for each of them!

PHR Monitors - TTCombat

All of these smaller ships are slow-moving and can be a handful to manoeuvre but they make up for that by effectively becoming big gun platforms, aiming between Low and High Orbit without penalty. They also come clad in armour which far outweighs their size making them a tough nut to crack.

For the PHR this set (above) allows you to make Castor Class Monitors or Pollux Class Escort Frigates. When it comes to the Shaltari you've got a similar suite of options with Silicon Class Monitors or Selenium Class Escort Frigates.

Shaltari Monitors - TTCombat

These do look rather cool indeed and I like that a similar theme has been developed alongside the aesthetic for each of the factions. For the Scourge, you can make Shedu Class Monitors or Lamassu Class Barges...

Scourge Monitors - TTCombat

...and with the UCM, there is the chance to build the Istanbul Class Monitors or Vienna Cass Escort Frigates.

UCM Monitors - TTCombat

So, these are some new ship options drifting into view for the world of Dropfleet Commander and go up for sale properly tomorrow, 22nd November. I do very much like the look of the new UCM ships which always remind me of the ones from the Halo universe.

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"I do very much like the look of the new UCM ships which always remind me of the ones from the Halo universe..."

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