Monstrous Miniatures Join The Bifrost Collection For Salute

April 9, 2024 by brennon

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Bifrost Miniatures added two new 28mm monsters to their collection for those seeking to head on a Fantasy adventure in a skirmish game or perhaps a dungeon delve. Both are available over on Warbases' webstore and they will also be available at Salute this year.

Halkrag - Bifrost Miniatures

Halkrag // Bifrost Miniatures

The first of the miniatures is the mighty Hill Giant, Halkrag. He stands at an impressive 75mm tall but that goes all the way to 100mm with that mighty tree trunk. He comes draped in the thick hide of a woolly rhino and it seems like he has already been out on the hunt with that boar strapped to his waist. Make sure to get out of the way as that club comes thundering down towards your noggin.

The next of the monstrous miniatures isn't quite so hasty. Here we have the wonderfully named Shagbark Hornbeam.

Shagbark Hornbeam - Bifrost Miniatures

Shagbark Hornbeam // Bifrost Miniatures

Shagbark is the largest miniature in the Bifrost collection to date and stands at an impressive 110mm tall. He could be a kindly woodland spirit that guides you on your way or someone a bit more vengeful, looking to kick you off their land.

Both miniatures would be great for those looking to add to their collection of Fantasy creatures. These are perfect for roleplaying games but also in a myriad of skirmish games where you need monsters to battle against.

If you're interested in Halkrag or Shagbark, both resin miniatures can be picked up right now or at Salute.

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"If you're interested in Halkrag or Shagbark, both resin miniatures can be picked up right now or at Salute..."

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