New Danish Hussars Thunder Forth From Perry Miniatures

October 14, 2022 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures has added a whole host of new miniatures to their Napoleonic line-up. A bunch of new 28mm metal miniatures have popped up for the Danish and the Prussians including some mighty cavalry and some sneaky Jagers!

Danish Hussar Command Attacking - Perry Miniatures

Danish Hussar Command - Attacking // Perry Miniatures

New Danish-Norwegian Releases // Perry Miniatures

Leading the way, we have the Danish Hussars. They have been designed to match two different periods of warfare. You've got two sets that are designed to match the 1808-12 period and another which works for 1813-14. So, whilst there is only a few years difference, I think folks will be eager to get it right when building armies.

Danish Hussar Command Galloping - Perry Miniatures

Danish Hussar Command - Galloping // Perry Miniatures

You've got options here for Hussars galloping, attacking and riding forth with swords shouldered. So, it's a good mix for making dynamic units on the tabletop.

Danish Hussars Attacking - Perry Miniatures

Danish Hussars - Attacking // Perry Miniatures

Danish Hussars Galloping Swords Shouldered - Perry Miniatures

Danish Hussars - Galloping, Swords Shouldered // Perry Miniatures

I won't pretend to know about the period of these particular troops but it has been noted in the descriptions that they come with pelisses (or indeed separate pelisses). I have been informed by the lord that is Google that a pelisses is a "short fur-trimmed jacket" so there you go!

Prussian Jagers & Lutzow’s Legion

Stepping away from the thundering hooves of the Danish Hussars, we also have Lutzow's Legion and more of the Prussian Jagers.

Lutzows Legion Jager Command Advancing - Perry Miniatures

Lutzow's Legion Jager Command - Advancing // Perry Miniatures

New Prussian Releases // Perry Miniatures

Lutzow's Legion was a volunteer force raised by the Prussians to fight against Napoleon. They were named after their leader Ludwig Adolf Wilhelm von Lützow (quite the name).

Lutzows Legion Jager Advancing - Perry Miniatures

Lutzow's Legion Jager - Advancing // Perry Miniatures

These soldiers were drawn from all quarters and there is the romantic notion that many of them were academics and students. Most of the force was made up of labourers and craftsmen although there were actually two women who managed to join up,  Eleonore Prochaska and Anna Lühring. They joined in disguise!

Prussian Jager Command Skirmishing - Perry Miniatures

Prussian Jager Command - Skirmishing // Perry Miniatures

You can use these Jagers for flanking actions when it comes to battling during the Napoleonic period, utilising guerrilla warfare to disrupt the advance of the enemy. I have always liked the look of the Jagers and they make for a fun unit to paint and add to your army, breaking away from the standard rank and file.

Prussian Jager Skirmishing - Perry Miniatures

Prussian Jager - Skirmishing // Perry Miniatures

As you can see, there are quite a few kits for you to choose from when it comes to both the Danish and the Prussians. Whilst there are plenty of unique poses to form interesting regiments, you could also use these (especially the Jagers) for skirmish affairs or maybe even The Silver Bayonet!

What do you make of this new collection from Perry Miniatures?

" could also use these (especially the Jagers) for skirmish affairs or maybe even The Silver Bayonet!"

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