New Seven Years’ War Austrians Join Eagle Figure’s Collection

June 10, 2024 by brennon

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Eagle Figures have added a selection of new miniatures to their webstore for those looking to expand their Austrian armies for the Seven Years' War. These 28mm metal command figures can be slotted into your armies to lead the way.

Officer - Sword Raised- Eagle Figures

Officer - Sword Raised // Eagle Figures

Each of the figures can be picked up separately or as part of a collection depending on how many figures you need. There are a couple of awesome Officers for example including this fellow with his sword raised and another with sword and baton at the ready for a bit of swashbuckling.

Officer - Eagle Figures

Officer // Eagle Figures

As well as the two Officers, you can also get your hands on Standard Bearers for your units as well as this Fusilier Drummer who looks like they are very serious about their job. I don't think I'd want to be a drummer. Surely the enemy would just want to single you out to shut you up!

Fusilier Drummer - Eagle Figures

Fusilier Drummer // Eagle Figures

You can see all of the new miniatures in the group photo below. This adds to an already hefty collection of 28mm metal miniatures from Eagle Figures for your Seven Years' War battles.

Seven Years War Austrian Command - Eagle Figures

Seven Years' War Austrian Command // Eagle Figures

Eagle Figures is well worth exploring if you're looking to get your hands on 28mm miniatures covering the Seven Years' War, the Napoleonic period and there's even a bit of English and American Civil War. You might also want to check out the Franco-Prussian War stuff in 15mm.

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"Eagle Figures is well worth exploring if you're looking to get your hands on 28mm miniatures covering the Seven Years' War..."

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