Play Fetch With New Warhound Titans For Adeptus Titanicus

October 2, 2018 by brennon

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Adeptus Titanicus is expanding this weekend with more new models from Games Workshop. This time around we're looking to the Warhound Titans as a new option for your battles between towering walking fortresses.

Warhound Scout Titans - Adeptus Titanicus

The plastic set will allow you to make two of these Warhound Scout Titans. You get plenty of their insane weapons to choose from and each of the models can be posed in different ways too, hopefully adding a bit of movement to these massive war machines.

Warhound Scout Titans (Miniatures) - Adeptus Titanicus

The Warhound Titan offers up another tactical edge to proceedings as it is quick and deadly. You can run rings around the larger Warlord Titans and when used in conjunction with the likes of the Imperial Knights and such you could start being quite a thorn in your enemies side.

I know a lot of people are quite enjoying Adeptus Titanicus and others are just loving the fact that they can buy these once massive models in plastic!

Are you going to be snagging yourself a set of Warhound Titans?

"...others are just loving the fact that they can buy these once massive models in plastic!"

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