OnePageRules Show Off Empire Ships For Warfleets: FTL!

September 11, 2020 by brennon

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We said that OnePageRules had a whole boatload of stuff to show off for September, didn't we? Well, in addition to the Mummified Undead and the Alien Hives we also got a look at the Patreon offerings for those playing Warfleets: FTL this month too.

Empire Ships - Warfleets FTL

Empire Ships // Warfleets FTL

The first offerings to Patreon backers this month are the ships from the Empire Fleet. Over the next six months, they have plans to release the four options that you need for the factions in their universe, Orion’s Gate.

Included within the Empire Fleet you get access to ships like...

Destroyer Heavy Ship - Warfleets FTL

Destroyer Heavy Ship // Warfleets FTL

Gladiator Medium Ship - Warfleets FTL

Gladiator Medium Ship // Warfleets FTL

Raider Light Ship - Warfleets FTL

Raider Light Ship // Warfleets FTL

Slave Squadrons - Warfleets FTL

Slave Squadrons // Warfleets FTL

...and the designs for them are very functional and brutish. This somewhat matches up with their naming conventions and you get the sense that these ships are very much focused on forward-facing firepower which is aimed at turning your enemies into slag.

All of the miniatures here come with options for both round and square bases plus you'll also get the files to print their flight stands as well. As with everything we've seen from OnePageRules they options here will be available first to Patreon backers and then via CGTrader in the near future.

Warfleets: FTL

Backers will also be able to get their hands on the rules for Warfleets: FTL right now allowing you to dive in and test out the game. You can then interact with the creators via their Discord and help in the development process if you like!

Warfleets FLT - OnePageRules

Warfleets: FTL // OnePageRules

The game is one very much inspired by the likes of Battlefleet Gothic and Star Wars: Armada and there is no reason why you can't pick up those miniatures and play within the FTL rules if you prefer. But, the core book will come with armies, advanced rules and expansion to suit Orion's Gate as well.

This all seems really fun and it's good to see OnePageRules branching out to try different styles of game beyond the classic tabletop mass battle realm. More is to come on this front and I'm sure that we'll get to hear more about it in the near future!

Are you tempted to join their Patreon and try out Warfleets: FTL?

"The game is one very much inspired by the likes of Battlefleet Gothic and Star Wars: Armada..."

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