Otto von Bismarck Strolls Into Wargames Illustrated’s Store

September 8, 2022 by brennon

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Want to throw Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck into your collection? Well, Wargames Illustrated has made him the newest 28mm scale character for their Giants In Miniature collection and he is available to snap up right now.

Otto von Bismarck - Wargames Illustrated

Otto von Bismarck // Wargames Illustrated

Bismarck's Germany expanded under his command and wars were fought with Denmark, Austria and France. He would never actually command any troops on the battlefield but he is often portrayed in his uniform, focusing on the militarism of Germany during the period.

With that said, maybe you could use this miniature as more than just an interesting painting project. You could easily throw Bismarck into the mix as a "Weird" character who actually is commanding soldiers on the tabletop.

If nothing else, these Giants In Miniature releases get you thinking about a particular period of history and the characters that populated it. It's always fun to dive in and do a bit of research about them and think up how they might be included in your tabletop games.

Are you going to be snapping up Bismarck?

"...maybe you could use this miniature as more than just an interesting painting project"

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